Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Growth

Spring has sprung, and delicate little leaves are coming out all over. The trees along South Street, that have been grey and stark all Winter now have a coat of light green. I was at Lake Annand, yesterday, and took saw one of the trees covered with new growth.


Shutter Speed - 0.007 second (1/150)
Aperture - f/5.0
Focal Length - 70.8mm
ISO Speed - 100
Exposure Bias - 0 EV
Flash - off, did not fire

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Night Lit Building

I've been wanting to photograph this building for a little while, since I saw it onw evening, but it was very difficult with my old camera. Tonight, while driving home, I decided to try out my new camera. I rested my arms on the car door, and managed this shot. I haven't really done anything at all to it - maybe hit the auto contast, but didn't see any difference.
And because I have just received a brand new copy of Creative Memories Memory Manager 3.0, I decide to play with it, and create a sepia-toned version of the original. Pretty.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers - Final Three

Well, I have made my decision, and have made the disc to send in for the competition. Only one is truly specific to the Toowoomba area, and that is the third photo, of the memorial from the Botanical Gardens in Queens Park. I had two options, and chose the one that showed the whole memorial.
The second photo was taken at Laurel Bank Park, shot into the sun which is what gives it the sparkly effect. The top photo is of the bottlebrushes in the front of my house, which have just come into bloom. Yes, I know its still technically Winter here, but you wouldn't know it from the temperatures we've had recently. Sunday and Monday were disgustingly hot at 30C - down in the Lockyer Valley, where my mother lives, and it was a good 3-4 degrees above that! For those who better understand Farenheit, that's 86F - 92F during what is supposed to be Winter! Today is a lot cooler, but still, not Winter temperatures. sigh... On the upside, I have seen some lovely flowers all month.
So, these are my choices. What do you think?


Well, the bottlebrushes in front of our house have come into bloom, and so I tried out my new camera with its Macro setting, and got this.

And now, because I've just found out that I can do this, I present my EXIF data:

Exposure - 0.005 sec (1/200)
Aperture - f/4.4
Focal Length - 61.5mm
ISO Speed - 64
Exposure Bias - 0 EV
Flash - off, did not fire

I have a new camera!

I was at the shops the other day, and noticed a camera. It looked nice, and was a reasonable price. So it wasn't an SLR - I've come to think that, at this time, an SLR really isn't for me. After all, once you get the camera, you then start 'needing' all the toys, and it really begins to add up. This camera, however, has (way!) more features than my old camera (optical zoom, for one thing) and yet there is no really temptation to get anything more. There's no way to attach more lenses, or anything like that. I might get a tripod, but I could use that with my old camera, as well. And, as it turned out, I ended up getting the camera at a different store, and got it, the bag, and a 2Gb memory card for less than the price of just the camera at the original store. Yes, I'm very happy :D
Now I just need to learn how to use it ;)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers Take 5

This entry would be based on the concept of colour, but I'm not so sure.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers Take 4

I'm actually trying to decide between these two images. I'm thinking that the second might be a little too arty - you know, up close, too much of an angle... Anyway, these would come under 'Community'.

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers Take 3

Another picture I'm considering for the contest. I have to narrow it down to 3 photos, and the three themes are Colour, Community, and Character. This would come under Colour.

I have entered this for Skywatch Friday - visit th Skywatch Friday blog to see other contributions.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers Take 2

This is another photo I'm considering entering into the competition. I'm not sure if I should, as some may consider this a mistake, but I enjoy playing with the light, shooting into, or nearly into, the light. Not all the time, obviously, but sometimes it's fun.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers

The Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers is coming up, and they have a photography competition - the Shutterbug competition. I will be entering as many photos as I can, and am currently cosidering this for one of my entries. I will post other possible entries over the month.